How to Make Cold Brew at Home


Time to read 9 min

We dive into the world of cold brew, take a look at the history, pros and cons of making cold brew at home, and look at a step-by-step guide for how to make cold brew at home!

1. Origins and Historical Context

Cold brew's roots trace back centuries, with its earliest iterations found in Japan and the Middle East. Back then, In Japan, Kyoto-style cold brew emerged in the 17th century, featuring slow-drip brewing methods that evolved into the intricate and visually appealing cold drip towers we recognize today. Meanwhile, Middle Eastern traditions also involved steeping coffee grounds in water for an extended period, therefore then creating a precursor to the cold brew we enjoy.

2. Rise in Popularity in Modern Coffee Culture

Fast forward to the contemporary coffee scene, and now cold brew has experienced a renaissance. Over the past decade, it has transcended seasonal trends to become a year-round favorite, gracing the menus of coffee shops and homes alike. The magic of cold brew lies not only in its taste but also in the fascinating journey it has taken to become a beloved beverage. 

Advantages of Cold Brew

A. Cold Brew is Smooth and Less Acidic

1. Gentle Extraction Process

One of the defining characteristics that sets cold brew apart is its gentle and prolonged extraction process. Unlike traditional hot brewing methods that use heat to expedite flavor extraction, cold brew takes its time. By steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for an extended period—typically 12 to 24 hours—it then allows for a smooth extraction, minimizing the bitterness and acidity associated with hot brewing. The result is a velvety and mellow cup that caresses the palate.

2. Reduced Acidity for Sensitive Stomachs

For those with sensitivity to acidic beverages, cold brew emerges as a savior. The prolonged steeping process extracts fewer compounds that contribute to acidity, making it a gentler option for stomachs that may be prone to irritation. The result is a coffee experience that not only delights the taste buds but also accommodates a broader audience, inviting even those with acidity concerns to savor the world of cold brew.

B. Versatility of Cold Brew

1. Ideal Base for Coffee Cocktails

Cold brew's versatility extends beyond its stand-alone appeal; it serves as an ideal canvas for creative coffee concoctions. Its concentrated and smooth nature provides an excellent base for crafting coffee cocktails. Whether it's a classic Espresso Tonic or a Cold Brew Martini, the robust yet nuanced flavor profile of cold brew harmonizes seamlessly with various ingredients, elevating the art of coffee mixology.

2. Flavor Customization

Cold brew's concentrated form allows for effortless flavor customization. As a cold brew enthusiast, you have the power to experiment with different coffee beans, roasts, and flavor profiles. From fruity Ethiopian coffee to delicious Colombian coffee beans, cold brew becomes a playground for discovering and tailoring your preferred flavor notes. Embrace the freedom to create a cold brew that resonates with your taste preferences.

In the world of coffee, cold brew emerges not just as a beverage but as an experience—an elegant and versatile elixir that beckons you to explore its smooth depths and unleash your creativity. 

Disadvantages of Cold Brew

A. Time-Consuming

1. Extended Brewing Time of Making Cold Brew at Home

While the slow and deliberate steeping process is a key factor in cold brew's allure, it also poses a notable disadvantage: time consumption. Unlike the quick turnaround of a hot cup of coffee, cold brew demands patience. The extended brewing time, typically ranging from 12 to 24 hours, requires forethought and advanced planning. Therefore, for those seeking instant caffeination or spontaneous coffee cravings, the time investment can be a hurdle.

2. Requires Advanced Planning

Cold brew's charm lies in its methodical approach, and this very characteristic becomes a potential drawback for those accustomed to on-the-go coffee rituals. The need to anticipate your coffee fix a day in advance can be a logistical challenge, especially in a fast-paced lifestyle where convenience often takes precedence.

B. Limited Brewing Control

1. Challenging to Adjust Extraction Variables

Traditional hot brewing methods offer real-time control over the brewing process, allowing adjustments to variables like grind size, water temperature, and brew time on the fly. On the other hand, cold brew presents a challenge in terms of real-time control. Therefore, once the steeping process begins, making immediate adjustments becomes impractical. Fine-tuning extraction variables to achieve the perfect brew requires careful consideration during the preparation stage.

2. Experimentation May Lead to Varied Results

The pursuit of the ideal cold brew can be a journey marked by experimentation. However, this experimentation comes with the risk of varied results. For example, adjusting variables such as coffee-to-water ratio, steeping time, or grind size may require several iterations to achieve your desired flavor profile. The learning curve of mastering the art of cold brew can be both a rewarding and challenging aspect for home brewers.

As we explore the world of cold brew, it's essential to acknowledge these challenges that, for some, may be considered trade-offs for the unique and rewarding characteristics this method brings.

glass of cold brew on desk with books

Coffee Bean Selection for Making Cold Brew at Home

1. Recommended Roast Levels

Firstly, the foundation of an exceptional cold brew lies in the choice of coffee beans, and the roast level plays a pivotal role in shaping its flavor profile.

  • a. Medium to Dark Roasts:

    • Medium and dark roasts are popular choices for cold brew due to their robust and full-bodied characteristics. Largely because roasts bring out chocolatey, nutty, and caramel notes, creating a rich and satisfying cold brew experience.
  • b. Single Origin vs. Blends:

    • The decision between using a single-origin or a blend depends on your flavor preferences. Single-origin beans showcase the unique characteristics of a specific region, offering nuanced flavor profiles. Blends, on the other hand, combine beans from different regions to achieve a balanced and harmonious taste.

B. Grind Size Considerations for Cold Brew

1. Coarse Grind for Optimal Extraction

The grind size is a critical factor that influences the extraction process in cold brew. Because opting for a coarse grind is essential to prevent over-extraction and bitterness.

  • a. Why Coarse Grind Matters:

    • Coarse grounds provide a larger surface area, allowing for a slow and steady extraction. Therefore, this results in a smooth and well-balanced cold brew without the risk of over-extraction that finer grinds may pose.
  • b. Consistency in Grind Size:

    • Ensuring uniformity in grind size is crucial for even extraction. Because of this, invest in a quality burr grinder to achieve consistency, preventing uneven flavors in your cold brew batch.

Selecting the right coffee beans and mastering the art of grinding are key components in making cold brew at home. 

Methods and Devices for How to Making Cold Brew at Home

A. Classic Immersion Method

1. Mason Jar or Pitcher

Firstly, the classic immersion method is a beloved and accessible way to craft cold brew at home, requiring minimal equipment.

  • a. Mason Jar Magic:
    • Utilizing a mason jar is a popular choice for many home brewers. The simplicity of this method involves combining coarsely ground coffee with cold water. Then, sealing it in a jar, and allowing the mixture to steep over an extended period. Lastly, straining the brewed coffee results in a concentrated elixir ready for dilution or customization.
  • b. Pitcher Perfection:
    • Next, a pitcher offers a larger brewing capacity, making it ideal for those who prefer to prepare a batch that lasts several days. The process remains similar to the mason jar method, with the added convenience of a larger vessel.

2. Straining Techniques

  • a. Cheesecloth or Fine Mesh Sieve:
    • Straining the brewed coffee is a crucial step in the immersion method. Cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve effectively separates the coffee grounds from the liquid, ensuring a smooth and sediment-free cold brew.
  • b. Cold Brew Bags:
    • On the other hand, cold brew bags, resembling oversized tea bags, provide a convenient alternative for containing coffee grounds during steeping. These bags simplify the straining process, making cleanup a breeze.

B. Cold Brew Makers and Devices

1. Toddy Cold Brew System

Next, the Toddy Cold Brew System is a dedicated device designed for crafting cold brew with precision.

    • a. Immersion and Filtration:
    • The Toddy system employs an immersion approach similar to the classic method. However, it features a dedicated brewing container and filtration system, streamlining the straining process. But, this device is known for producing a concentrate that can be diluted to taste.

2. Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot

    • a. Elegant Japanese Design:
    • The Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot exemplifies the marriage of form and function. This Japanese-designed device combines a sleek aesthetic with practicality. For instance, it features a mesh filter for easy brewing and straining, making it a favorite among cold brew enthusiasts.

C. Cold Drip Method

1. Overview of Cold Drip Towers

Last, for those seeking a unique and visually appealing approach, the cold drip method offers a captivating alternative.

  • a. Drip by Drip:
    • Cold drip towers, often resembling elegant sculptures, introduce water to coffee grounds at a controlled rate. This method allows for precise adjustments in extraction variables, producing a cold brew with distinct flavor nuances.
  • b. Pros and Cons of Drip Systems:
    • While cold drip systems offer unparalleled control over the brewing process, they may require more intricate setup and maintenance. However, The resulting cold brew can be a revelation for those who appreciate the complexities achieved through a slow and measured extraction.

Whether opting for the simplicity of a mason jar, the convenience of a dedicated cold brew maker, or the artistic allure of a cold drip tower, each method offers a unique approach to crafting the perfect cold brew at home.

Detailed Instructions for How to Make Cold Brew at Home

A. Ingredient Preparation

1. Cold Brew Coffee-to-Water Ratio

Achieving the perfect cold brew starts with the perfect cold brew ratio of water to coffee. Because the coffee-to-water ratio determines the strength of your brew.

  • a. Recommended Cold Brew Ratio:
    • To start, a common starting point is using 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee to 4 cups of cold, filtered water. This ratio can be adjusted based on personal preference, with variations ranging from 1:3 to 1:8, depending on desired strength.
  • b. Quality Water Selection:
    • Also important is water quality. The quality of water used plays a significant role. Opt for filtered or bottled water to avoid any unwanted flavors imparted by tap water. This ensures a clean canvas for the flavors of your chosen coffee beans to shine.

B. Brewing Process / How to Make Cold Brew

1. Step-by-Step Guide for Immersion Method

The immersion method is a straightforward process that requires minimal equipment.

  • a. Coarse Grinding:
    • Start by coarsely grinding your selected coffee beans. The coarse grind ensures optimal extraction without the risk of over-extraction.
  • b. Combining Coffee and Water:
    • Then, in a mason jar or pitcher, combine the coarsely ground coffee and cold, filtered water. Stir gently to ensure all coffee grounds are saturated.
  • c. Steeping Time:
    • Next, seal the jar or pitcher and then allow the mixture to steep in the refrigerator for an extended period—usually 12 to 24 hours. Longer steeping times can enhance flavor complexity.
  • d. Straining:
    • Last, after the steeping period, use a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or cold brew bags to strain the coffee, separating the liquid from the grounds. 

C. Straining and Storing

1. Importance of Proper Straining

  • a. Removing Sediment:`
    • Straining is a critical step to ensure your cold brew is smooth and free of sediment. Choose a straining method that suits your preferences, whether it's a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or purpose-made cold brew bags.
  • b. Dilution Options:
    • The cold brew concentrate can be diluted with water, milk, or a milk alternative based on personal taste preferences. Experiment with ratios until you find your ideal balance.
  • c. Storing Your Cold Brew:
    • Store your cold brew concentrate in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Cold brew can be stored for several days, allowing you to enjoy your homemade creation at your convenience.

Mastering the art of cold brew at home involves precision, patience, and a touch of experimentation. With these detailed instructions, you're equipped to embark on a journey of crafting cold brew excellence in the comfort of your home.